Experience Matters
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My Time at Dolphin Research Center
Major: Biology
As a research intern, I worked with the small staff of the research department directly. On a day to day basis, I was in charge of completing observations on dolphins participating in a respiration rate study and a lateralization study. I also had the chance to assist with larger research projects that are yet to be published, play "thinking games" with the dolphins, input data into the database, and spend the day with guests participating in the research programs offered. I worked to complete a journal, a personal goal, and a scientific goal during my three month internship on top of the forty hours a week I worked.
Zoo Internship
Major: Biology
While working at the zoo I helped keepers do daily observations, feed and medicate the animals, provide behavioral enrichment, and clean the exhibits and night houses each day. I also helped with observations with the introduction of the baby Andean bear to his outdoor exhibit. Keepers would also utilize my help by having me complete some of their tasks if they were running behind for the day.
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